Relax and enjoy life
Cayucos visitors map. Click to expand.
A quiet town, Cayucos invites folks to slow down, smell the ocean air, pick up sand dollars...
It is difficult to see in this video, but there is a sea otter frolicking on the Pacific Ocean surf at Cayucos State Beach in California, just off of...
Do you have memories or memorabilia of Morro Bay during World War II?
If so, the Historical Society of Morro Bay is looking for your help in planning...
Step back in time at Caledonia Days on Saturday
The 2015 Caledonia Days and Dutch Oven Cook-off, a family-friendly event, takes place Saturday, Sept. 26...
The Record family: Chris, Tricia, Randy, Anne, Mindy, Madelynn, Joel and Joel Jr.
Boutique brand awarded Best in Class for its 2012 Reserve Syrah
– Record...
Attendees enjoying live entertainment at a prior year’s festival. Courtesy photo.
– The first weekend in October, the city of Morro Bay will celebrate...
Last day of business is set for Nov. 1
– After 30 years serving the Central Coast, Costume Capers is closing its doors on Nov. 1. The closing comes after...