You Are Browsing ‘Cambria/San Simeon’ Category

–California State Parks announced that the project to repair and restore the world-famous Neptune Pool at Hearst Castle moved into the final phase. The department began refilling the 345,000-gallon pool Tuesday. The historic castle, built between 1919 and 1947 by William Randolph Hearst and architect Julia...

Luxury bus tour to raise money for further preservation Honoring the work of the late conservationist Roger Lyon, a luxury bus tour will treat guests to...

An Alpha male elephant seal dominates his space at the rookery near the Piedras Blancas Lighthouse. View thousands of elephant seals along Highway 1 You...

Actors dress up in period costumes for the holiday tours. –Hearst Castle is now offering “Holiday Twilight Tours,” where the public can experience...

Cambria Scarecrow Festival’s Second Place, Theme Award Adult winner and First Place in the 67th Annual Pinedorado Parade: Tic Toc, created by Susan...

A view of the interior of the Cholame tasting room. Locations in San Simeon and Cholame celebrate rich history of the county About seven years ago, serendipity...

Make a point to visit Historic Ragged Point Inn located on scenic Highway 1 The Ragged Point Inn, situated on the ocean side of scenic Highway 1, has...

Whimsy runs rampant as 400-plus scarecrows take over town Evolving from the first festival in 2009 with 30 scarecrows lining the sidewalks and streets...

New expansion means more offerings Locals and visitors alike are excited about the latest retail expansion at the Redwood Center in Cambria. Rich Man...

  Enjoy the scenery on a ride through vineyards.   The Central Coast’s natural beauty inspires visitors and locals to explore their surroundings...