The Wellness Kitchen invites the community to the 3rd Annual Hispanic Women’s Breast Cancer Event on Oct. 7. Courtesy photo
Local oncologist Dr. James Longo slated as guest speaker
On behalf of Mujeres de Exito and The Wellness Kitchen, the community is invited to the 3rd Annual Hispanic Women’s Breast Cancer Event on Saturday, Oct. 7 at 5:30 p.m. The event will be held at The Wellness Kitchen, located at 1255 Las Tablas Road, Suite 102 in Templeton.
Local oncologist Dr. James Longo is slated as the evening’s guest speaker; his excellent work with cancer patients and survivors will also be celebrated.
This annual event began in 2015 due to the need for awareness and education specifically for Spanish speaking women. Program Coordinator and organizer Yessenial Echavarria’s intention is to bring Hispanic women together and remove some of the fear and confusion about cancer and offer education and emotional support.
Dinner will be provided by The Wellness Kitchen, and attendees are asked to wear white or pink for the celebration. The evening includes dancing and is sure to be filled with excitement, laughter, and love for all in attendance.
Advance tickets are available at The Wellness Kitchen for $20 or by phone at (805)434-1800 for credit card purchases; RSVP is appreciated. Tickets will be $25 at the door.