Essential Questions To Ask Your Parents About Their Health

Monday, August 19th, 2024

Although questions concerning your parent’s health can be difficult to raise, it’s critical to discuss these matters in advance of unexpected injury or illness. From discussing their wishes to asking whether they have serious health concerns, to what medications they need and who they trust to manage their finances – all of these questions are important.

Enquiring about your parents’ health will not only put their mind at rest; it will give you peace of mind, too. Asking these questions in advance will lessen the anxiety and uncertainty often attached to not knowing what your loved ones would want. 

To assist you in approaching this topic, we’ve created a handy list of essential questions to ask loved ones. All will help you to fulfill their financial, medical, housing, and end-of-life needs. Read on to learn more.

When To Ask Your Parents Questions About Their Health  

A top tip to note? It’s never too early to have this conversation; the earlier, the better! Why? Decision-making becomes less flexible with age. Once done, it is out of the way; you’ll know exactly what your loved one’s wishes are, and you’ll be able to continue embracing the good times with them. 

The likelihood is that they’ve already considered these questions and will have their affairs in order. It is up to you to make sure their wishes are met. 

If you’ve been putting off this conversation and still aren’t quite ready to discuss securing their legacy and finalizing a care plan, make sure your loved ones don’t fit into one of the following criteria:

  • They’re 65 or older.
  • Their partner or spouse has recently passed.
  • They are suffering from a health condition.
  • Your family is privy to a history of health concerns.
  • They have recently been the victim of a health scare.

If you have answered yes to any of the above, it’s time to act and consider the necessary questions to ask your parents. 

What Questions Should You Ask? 

From housing to health conditions to finances and legal documentation, there are various topics you need to address with your aging parents. We’ve highlighted these in more detail below:

Do They Have Any Serious Health Concerns?

Unfortunately, as we age, health concerns can arise. This doesn’t mean they will take over your parents’ life in its entirety; it does mean they may have to adopt a different lifestyle. Cognitive issues can lead to memory issues and confusion, which means putting plans in place for the future necessitates immediate attention in the form of legal documentation. 

Legal Documentation

To clarify the above, if one of your parents unexpectedly ends up hospitalized due to an accident or illness, you will need to hold the legal documentation to be able to make healthcare decisions on their behalf. This is why asking questions about their health before any issues arise is crucial! In addition, ask them whether their will is up-to-date or whether they have a living trust.

Other questions to ask your parents include: 

  • Do they have financial and medical power of attorney?
  • Where do they keep important health and financial documentation? 
  • Do they employ a lawyer to handle these documents? 

Knowing the answer to these questions will allow you to source information in the case of an emergency. 

Health and Wellness

As your parents age, it is not uncommon for you to become more involved in their well-being and health. From assisting them in arranging medications to helping them with errands to ensuring they’re staying active, there are plenty of things you can do to help. In addition, if they have carers, you can assist in overseeing treatment plans and schedules. The result? You ensure their safety and happiness.

When discussing well-being and healthcare, consider asking the following questions. 

  • What medications are they currently taking?
  • What medications treat what ailments?
  • Who is their doctor or healthcare specialist? When do they have appointments? What are their contact details?
  • Do they need transport to get to these appointments?
  • Do they struggle to take medications?
  • How often do they get out of the house to socialize or exercise?
  • What nutritional or diet plan are they following?
  • Do they ever experience falls, trips, or other accidents either at home or outside the house?
  • Do they feel confident in driving? 

Asking your parents these questions, whether it’s about their well-being, lifestyle, or capability to care for themselves can make all the difference to their safety and happiness. In addition, it can help to lessen the likelihood of injuries, accidents, and any avoidable illnesses. 

Living Arrangements 

Another crucial conversation to have with your parents? Their living arrangements. Whether they prefer to stay at home with a little additional help or wish to enter into a senior residence or independent living community, it’s key you’re aware of their wishes.

Questions to ask about comprise:

  • If you could not take care of yourself, where would you like to live?
  • If your need for in-house assistance increases, what living options have you considered?
  • Would you like to stay in the same town you are in or move abroad?
  • Are you aware of senior living options?
  • Do you require government help, or do you have the finances to move into assisted living? 

The Bottom Line

As we age, this is an opportunity to embrace new hobbies or skill sets, such as further education, a passion you’ve never explored, or a new career. The extent of these opportunities depends on one factor: health. This is why asking your parents the above questions is crucial. 

In most cases, you will find that your parents are grateful for the extra attention and are more than happy to answer any questions you have. For best results, frame them in a way that shows you want them to continue living life to the full, for as long as possible, without the need for additional assistance or medical attention.

Having a better understanding of parents’ wishes will ensure they are carried out. It will also allow for peace of mind for both parties, allowing them (and you) to navigate the aging process seamlessly. The result? They get to enjoy their golden years in the best way possible! 

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