Page 101 - SLO Visitor's Guide - Winter 2023
P. 101

Wine Tasting
Living the wine country dream at Asuncion Ridge Vineyards
 Enjoy great wine with playful names in a magical place
Over a quarter century ago, Michael Dilsaver and Philip Krumal met in Southern California
through a shared interest in wine. Their friendship grew and they de- cided to make wine together. They established Asuncion Ridge, start- ing with a vineyard of Pinot Noir west of Atascadero and produced their first vintage in 2005. In the years that followed Asuncion Ridge has grown significantly: acquiring new vineyards, sourcing grapes from all around Paso; producing a broad range of varietals; winning awards and accolades from the wine community. Still, Michael and Philip have maintained a boutique, craft style,
only produc- ing about 2000 cases per year.
They ap- proach wine
with patience
and care,
believing in
keeping wines
long in the
barrel. The
result pays off
in exceptional
wines with
balanced flavor
and smooth
oakiness. They
also have play-
ful senses of
humor, nam-
ing their Syrah
‘Nefarious’ and
their Rhone blends ‘Salacious’ and ‘Lascivious.’ On a less scandal- ous naming trend, there are also a couple of red blends named after
their dogs, Olivia and Benton. No matter the name of the wine, the quality is outstanding.
In 2020, Michael and Philip purchased an 11-acre former win-
ery, located mere min- utes from the center of town. After investing substantially in rehabili- tating the buildings and improv- ing the grounds, the new property and tast- ing room opened at the end of 2021.
The tast- ing building
is a repur-
posed barn filled with chic furnishings. One
wall is lined with black and white framed portraits of some of Paso’s most influential winemakers who
           WINTER 2023 101

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