Page 53 - SLO Visitors Guide Spring 2024
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Explore the natural wonders of Morro Bay
Those who live here often refer to Morro Bay as a paradise because this coastal town is home to an abundance of wildlife, stunning landscapes, challenging peaks, and important natural preserves. The National Audubon Society lists the town as a Globally Important Bird Area. Over 200 species of birds have been sighted here. Wildlife that flourishes in this protected region includes sea otters, sea lions, harbor seals, and a variety of other animals. What better way to experience the abundant wildlife and exhilarating views than by hiking through the outdoors?
Morro Rock
With Morro Rock as your landmark, head down to the water- front for an easy paved walk that
is leashed dog-friendly. There are two designated accessible parking spaces in the parking lot off the Embarcadero at the east end of the trail. Watch for the cormorants and grebes that frequent this area. You also have a good chance of seeing sea otter mothers with their pups feeding or resting in the eelgrass.
Morro Rock is an ecological pre- serve for nesting peregrine falcons. These birds build nests on both the north and south sides of the rock. Bring binoculars. Peregrines prey on small birds. You may spot one
as it soars off the cliffs on a hunting spree or snatches up unsuspecting shorebirds.
Black Hill Trail
This 2.5-mile trail is moderately challenging and takes a little over an hour. The trail leads through Flem- ings Forest, a stand of Monterey Pine that was planted by former park superintendent John Fleming.
Leashed dogs are welcome.
The trailhead is at Main St. and
Parkview Dr., Morro Bay.
Cerro Cabrillo Peak
Cerro Cabrillo Peak is the third peak of the Nine Sisters volcanic peaks. The trail to the 911-foot peak is a 2.5-mile challenging round trip. Hikers and mountain bikers who master the challenging portions of the trail to the summit are rewarded with panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean.
There is much to be seen and enjoyed along the trail and you can turn back at any time. Along the way to the summit of the Cerro Cabrillo peak, hikers have the option to take an easier climb to Turtle Rock or
the 329-foot Portola Hill and enjoy some great ocean views.
The trailhead is from South Bay Boulevard, Morro Bay.
Cloisters Wetlands to Morro Rock
Along with the playground, pub- lic restrooms and public barbeque and picnic areas the wetlands feature a 4.5- mile round-trip trail to Morro Rock. Leashed dogs are welcome.
Cloister Wetlands Park is located at 2501 Coral Ave., Morro Bay.
Morro Strand State Beach
Morro Strand State Beach
stretches from the town of Morro Bay north to Cayucos. The protected beach combines camping, surfing, picnics, fishing, and birdwatching
in a variety of coastal environments. Portions of the beach are closed to protect sensitive habitats or restora- tion sites.
More hiking trails than time
Morro Bay State Park has more hiking trails in addition to those already mentioned. The 2700-acre park is home to the Heron Rookery State Reserve, a mating and hatching area for blue herons, great egrets, black-crowned night herons, and double-crested cormorants.
Visit for more information about hiking and other outdoor adventures.
Morro Bay
 Take a hike and enjoy outdoor adventures around Morro Bay
 Morro Rock is an ecological preserve.
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    SPRING 2024 53

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