Page 39 - SLO Visitors Guide - Fall 2024
P. 39				 FALL 2024 39
Pismo Beach, Shell Beach & Oceano
209 Pomeroy Ave., Pismo Beach, CA
(805) 773-6165
Celebrating 70 Years Celebrating 70 Years
in Pismo Beach! in Pismo Beach!
Since 1963
505 Cypress Street, Pismo Beach
(805) 773-2853 •
Pismo Fish and Chips—serving
families since the 1960s
Any trip to the beach is incom-
plete without a bowl of clam
chowder or a plate of fresh fish and
chips. It seems like restaurants are
opening and closing at an alarming
pace, but Pismo Fish and Chips has
been an institution in Pismo Beach
since the early 1960s. It started when
the Zechner family immigrated to
America from Holland in 1959.
They did odd jobs around town
and even received help from a local
church. With $500 Ann Zechner
opened a fresh fish market across
Original customers
are now bringing
their grandkids
from where the restaurant still sits.
She had no experience running a
fish market, but that didn’t matter. It
was a success!
Her husband, Zack Zechner,
who was helping in the market,
found a wallet nearby with $900
inside (for context the minimum
wage was $1.00 per hour in 1962).
He immediately called the man
who had lost his wallet. Of course,
the man was grateful and offered a
large reward, but Zack refused. The
man turned out to be the local bank
president, and he told Zack to call if
he ever needed help.
Well, the Zechner’s did need
help. They wanted to open a restau-
rant, but couldn’t raise the money
they needed. They tried everything
with no success until Zack contacted
the bank president who gave them
Pismo Fish & Chips serves up king crab legs.

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