Page 55 - SLO Visitors Guide - Fall 2024
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Morro Bay
Find nationally recognized art at
David J Rogers Fine Art Studio Gallery
The unique beauty of the Central
California coastline’s rugged
cliffs and serene ocean views has
long been an inspiration for artists.
It’s no surprise that David Rogers
chose Morro Bay to open his thriv-
ing art gallery. Along with his wife
and business partner, Peggy, David
established the David J Rogers Fine
Art Gallery in downtown Morro
Bay in 2018.
Self-taught artist
Even as a child, David never ques-
tioned his path in life as an artist. A
self-taught artist destined to take his
talent to the next level, David built
on his skills with a trial-and-error ap-
proach to his pencil drawings and his
preferred medium, watercolor.
With 25 years of experience
and expertise under his belt, David
has become a highly sought-after
instructor, renowned for his ability
to simplify complex techniques. His
“learn by doing” method allows him
to share in minutes what took him
years to master. This approach has
earned him a loyal following from
students all over the world who are
eager to learn from his unique teach-
ing style.
“Watercolor is a natural transition
from drawing, which was where I
started,” David explained. “The two
mediums are similar in that they are
subtractive, meaning the artist is not
only preserving the light but, at the
same time, removing the light with
In other mediums, he explained,
the reverse is true. It’s also why
watercolor has a reputation for being
the toughest of all mediums, and why
many find it difficult to switch from
oils or acrylics to watercolor. David’s
ability to demystify watercolor paint-
ing has made him a beloved teacher
to aspiring artists worldwide.
Watercolor artist brings
vibrant landscapes and
seascapes to Morro Bay
Workshops—inspiring a
love for watercolor
David offers online watercolor
workshops, enabling art enthusiasts
from all over the world to capture
the essence of this extraordinary
coastline from the comfort of their
own homes.
For many, attending a workshop
is the first time picking up a paint-
brush, yet they find themselves
creating beautiful works of art on
their first attempt.
His students
consistently express
appreciation for the
invaluable lessons
learned under
David’s guidance,
and for his patient
and thorough
instruction that
improves their
skills, demystifies
complex techniques and boosts
their confidence.
“Confidence comes from expe-
rience, and when your experience
is successful, you gain even more
confidence in yourself and your
painting abilities,” said David.
Sign up for watercolor classes
on the website.
You can also download the free
guide "12 Watercolor Hacks That
Every Artist Should Know."
Commissioned artwork
What better way to own an orig-
inal painting than to commission
one directly from a favorite artist?
Reach out to David at the studio
with your idea or a photograph and
become the proud owner of a David
J. Rogers watercolor.
tranquility and
David and Peg-
gy warmly invite
you explore the
gallery, join the
workshops, and
immerse yourself
in the unique
charm of Morro
Bay. Whether you're a seasoned art
enthusiast or a curious visitor, you'll
find inspiration and tranquility in
the gallery’s watercolor collection.
The collection tries to showcase
the vibrancy that is the beauty of
the Central Coast landscapes and
“When we lived in the valley,
we would visit the Central Coast
and instantly fell in love with the
area,” David said. “Since opening
our gallery in 2018, we have been
embraced by the community with
open arms. The positive response
to our gallery and art instruction
has been overwhelming. Morro Bay
is a breathtaking place to live, and
the kindness and support of the
locals have truly made us feel like
an integral part of this remarkable
As a gift to the community that
so warmly embraced them, David
and Peggy donated a mural to the
City of Morro Bay, celebrating the
annual Kite Festival. This colorful
artwork, proudly displayed on the
side of their gallery building, has
become a beloved landmark and a
testament to the couple’s dedication
to enriching the local culture.
The David J Rogers Fine Art Gal-
lery is located at 407 Morro Bay Boule-
vard, Morro Bay. For more information
about the art, workshops, instructions,
commissions and gallery events visit, call (805) 225-
5077, or follow on Facebook.
— Meagan Friberg
David and Peggy Rogers.
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