All performances at the IOOF Hall 128 Bridge Street across from McLintocks in Arroyo Grande.
Hour long play offered every Saturday through July 22
South County Historical Society opened its 7th season of Summer Historic Theatre on Saturday, June 24th with a Readers Theatre production of “Letters From Home- Keeping Him Close.”
In 1918, World War I continued to rage in Europe while the deadly Spanish Influenza spread around the world unchecked. A collection of letters from family and friends, written to a local boy, Private Edgar Y. Edmands, creates a personal vision of those days, and of daily life in the little town of Arroyo Grande.
Performances of the one-hour show will run every Saturday through July 22. All performances at the IOOF Hall 128 Bridge Street across from McLintocks in Arroyo Grande. The play is free to attend. Doors open at 1:30.
Coming in August: ‘Dune Child – My Life Begins’
Writer Ella Thorpe Ellis’ experience growing up as the youngest Dunite, in the artist colony of Moy Mell in the Oceano Dunes .
For more information on the South County Historical Society visit: www.SouthCountyHistory.org or follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/SouthCountyHistoricalSociety or call (805) 489-8282.