Free to the public, meet with the lavender producers from across the Paso Robles region, learn of its many uses, enjoy free samples, and much more at the Paso Robles Lavender Festival.
–The Paso Robles Main Street Association and the Central Coast Lavender Growers Association invites you to the 10th annual summer celebration of the lavender season’s Lavender Festival Saturday, July 7, 2018, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Downtown Paso Robles City Park.
Visit the lavender farmers who come together in the Paso Robles City Park. Growers share their techniques for cultivating, drying and using lavender, and visitors experience the perfume and beauty of this captivating herb. See dozens of varieties, while enjoying the July sunshine, sweet lavender treats in our Lavender Garden, and the aromatic abundance of the distillation of essential oils.
More than 100 booths featuring arts, crafts, lavender, food, music, and more will be featured in the Paso Robles Downtown City Park. Admission is free and there is free parking throughout downtown. “The festival has grown beyond our expectations and is a fun way to celebrate this miracle plant,” says Lila Avery-Fuson, Chairperson and owner of Central Coast Lavender Farm.
For more information or a vendor application (Visa/MC/Discover), contact Paso Robles Main Street Association at (805) 238-4103, or visit www.pasoroblesdowntown.org, or www.centralcoastlavender.com.