Right now, locals are looking for businesses just like yours on Google
Make sure you show up the moment potential customers search for what you have to offer
Access Publishing is hosting a complimentary Google Seminar to help local businesses and organizations improve their online marketing presence. Beth Brennan, an online marketing expert with Access Publishing, will talk about SEO – Search Engine Optimization.

Speaker Beth Brennan
What is search engine optimization? “It’s an Internet marketing strategy that helps websites and business listings rank higher in search engine results like Google,” says Brennan. “If you’ve ever wondered ‘how do I get my business found when potential customers search for my goods or services on Google?’ or ‘How can I rank higher on Google?’ this educational seminar will be an eye-opener,” she says.
“Essentially, SEO is about writing great content that communicates important information about your business and then publishing it on your website and across the Internet,” she says. “You need to tell Google who you are, what you do, and where you are located; and you need to do it effectively and repeatedly. We will show you how.”
Brennan and the team at Access Publishing have given dozens of educational seminars to hundreds of local business leaders at engagements from Rotary Clubs to chambers of commerce. The company provides web design and local SEO services to over 100 businesses in San Luis Obispo County.
The seminar will be about an hour long.
When: Wednesday, July 11 at 10 a.m.
Where: North San Luis Obispo County Association of Realtors, 1101 Riverside Ave #A, Paso Robles
Sign up today: Reservations are required and seating is limited.
Complete the form below to reserve your seat at the Google Seminar or call (805) 226-9890.
RSVP for Free Google Seminar in Paso Robles
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