SLO Winds Orchestra, entertaining the Central Coast since 1999.
A history of music with a purpose
—The San Luis Obispo Wind Orchestra, known as SLO Winds, has been entertaining San Luis Obispo County since its first performance on December 31, 1999, at the Old Mission Church in San Luis Obispo.
December 2024 marked the 25th anniversary of the 45-member volunteer, wind and percussion orchestra. Founder William V. Johnson was the director of bands at Cal Poly, and SLO Winds was his passion project and gift to the community. The pinnacle of his tenure was the “Queen Symphony” which included a 150-voice choir, organ, and strings.
Over the years SLO Winds has continued to grow, and now each season they perform a series of five to six concerts. Current musical director, Jennifer Martin continues the legacy.
Martin is passionate about bringing professional quality wind music to the Central Coast. According to Martin, “SLO Winds is not only the largest volunteer-driven musical arts non-profit on the Central Coast but also boasts musicians who perform at a professional level despite their volunteer status. Our members are deeply passionate about wind band music, volunteering their time out of love for this art form.”
The volunteer musicians come from a variety of different careers ranging from a microbiologist to a retired clergyman and it seems everything in between. It’s an eclectic group, and each member can be sponsored on the SLO Winds website. With the funds they raise from the main-stage concerts, they host two free children’s concerts annually and visit assisted living centers to offer free concerts to seniors dozens of times each year. It’s music with a purpose.
According to Martin, ”Our repertoire is selected with care to offer a broad representation of wind band literature, balancing classics with contemporary pieces. We are dedicated to showcasing the finest works, providing both our musicians and audience with a rich, musical experience”
If you’re scratching your head and wondering when was the last time you listened to an orchestra without strings, be sure to check out their upcoming concert series and be prepared to fall in love with wind instruments.
- May 4, 3-5 p.m.—Hands Across the Sea at Harold J. Miossi Cultural and Performing Arts Center (CPAC), 1 Grand Ave., San Luis Obispo.
For concert tickets and more information, visit slowinds.org.
—Karen Lycan