Page 87 - SLO Visitors Guide Summer 2024
P. 87				 SUMMER 2024 87
Paso Robles
1214 Pine St., Paso Robles • Downtown near the Park
805-237-7516 • Open 11am until 8:30pm - 9pm Fridays & Saturdays
Please reserve your table at
Lean to cook with Andre!
Private cooking classes available
Delicious and innovative works of art created by
award winning French chef, Andre Aversang
1032 Pine St., Paso Robles Photos by JLoewen Photography
Take a stroll through Paso
Robles of the 1930s and 40s. See
a one-third-scale replica of the
famous Paso Robles Hotel plus
several stores and businesses that
existed during that time. There’s a
barber shop; a bakery; the Alexan-
der Hotel; Dr. Wilmar’s office; the
T&J Variety store; the Vogue dress
shop; Bennett Pharmacy; Bryans
Meat Market; R. J. Williams Real
Estate Office, Hibbard’s Grocery,
the Canary Cottage, Heaton’s and
the Pine Street Saloon.
Wander down to Transportation
Hall to see one of the largest collec-
tions of barbed wire in the western
United States. This collection has
been created in collaboration with
the Barbed Wire Collectors As-
sociation and the Pioneer Museum.
Don’t miss the Branding Exhibit,
which includes brands from all over
San Luis Obispo County.
Another exhibit is a collection
of Land Grant Maps and photos
of many of the original ranches in
north San Luis Obispo County. This
award-winning exhibit is brought
to the museum by the San Luis
Obispo County CattleWomen.
The Paso Robles Pioneer Museum
is located at 2010 Riverside Avenue,
south of the Paso Robles Event Cen-
ter, and is open Thursday through
Sunday from 1-4 p.m. Admission
is free, but donations are welcome.
Groups can also arrange a tour, and
the museum is available for special
events. For more information visit or call
(805) 239-4556.

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