Page 29 - SLO Visitors Guide - Fall 2024
P. 29				 FALL 2024 29
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Info & Reservations
(805) 782-8060
Tips for buying your dream
home on the Central Coast
The stunning coastline, charm-
ing towns, renowned wineries,
vibrant cultural and educational
scenes, and outdoor lifestyles make
California’s Central Coast an attrac-
tive place to live. Families, retirees,
and investors looking to move to
the area, buy a vacation home, or
an investment property, can’t go
wrong with top local realtor, Gabe
“The Central Coast is a phe-
nomenal investment area,” says
Davis. “Whether it’s for college,
vacations, or an Airbnb investment,
the Central Coast is a great place to
grow your equity. The area boasts
a great return on income over the
national average, and the demand is
rising year over year.”
Location, climate and the
quiet life
The Central Coast lifestyle is for
everyone. Cultural activities from
festivals, art, music and perfor-
mances fill the local calendars. And,
if someone still craves the activities
Unlock Central
Coast living with
expert real estate
of big cities, Los Angeles and San
Francisco are both just a couple
of hours' drive away. With the San
Luis Obispo County Regional Air-
port offering flights to major hubs,
traveling far and wide is easy and
The Central Coast is renowned
for its mild, Mediterranean climate.
With warm summers, cool winters,
and plenty of sunny days, it's an
ideal location for outdoor enthusi-
asts and those who appreciate year-
round comfortable weather.
From rural to town living, the
Central Coast offers it all. Relaxed
country living with some elbow
room still offers easy access to
schools, shopping, entertainment
and appointments. Town living is
San Luis Obispo
even more convenient, often within
walking distance of entertainment
and shopping. Bumper-to-bumper
traffic is at a minimum and driving
from the north end of the county to
the south end often takes less time
than driving across town in a major
metropolitan area.
What are you looking for?
“The Central Coast is a
beautiful area with many dif-
ferent types of activities to keep
you busy. If you are looking for
a quiet place to relax, then you
may want to consider a home
closer to the beach. However,
if you are looking for a more
active vacation, then you may
want to consider a home closer
to the mountains,” says Davis.
Paso Robles • Atascadero • SLO
Pickup & Delivery
Gabe Davis offers comprehensive real estate services.

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